Empowering runners to reach their true potential

Tailored training programs to address the unique needs and goals of each individual athlete.

At SteadFast Performance and Rehab, we are passionate about helping you reach your true potential. Beyond just running, our goal is to help you become the best version of yourself. We do this through optimizing your physical fitness through personalized training programs and innovative injury preparedness approaches. We look forward to walking along side you in your journey!

To find out more about our background, philosophy and goals, click the link below.

Training Programs

Gold Training

100% Personalized running and strength training with complete access to either Mike or Rusty for all your training questions.

Silver Training

Weekly personalized running and strength training with 2x month check-ins with either Mike or Rusty.

Not looking for complete personalization just yet? Check out our pre-made programs to get you started on racing a 5k or up to a half marathon!